Changing a product code/barcode/GTIN

1. How to change a product code?
    * It is not possible to change a product code that has been submitted to Vareregisteret.
    * If the product has a new product code, please register the new product code, see Registering a new product code/barcode/GTIN.
    * If a product has an incorrect product code, please register a new product code with the correct digits, see Registering a new product code/barcode/GTIN.

2. How to delete a product code?
    * It is not possible to delete a product code that has been submitted to Vareregisteret, only to change its status to cancelled. This is performed by Farmalogg.
    * Cancelling of a product code should only be performed if the product code has been submitted to an incorrect product. Please note that a cancelled product code can never be reused for the same article number.

3. Should product codes that are not printed on the package be removed?
    * No, all previously valid product codes will remain registered for the product. There are no limitations as to how many product codes that can be registered for a product.

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